Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Leatherman

Another week goes by - not much to report. I collected 9 cans at work this week, I got a .69 cent "keep the change" guy this week, and I found a penny at work. I also found a penny at the packy Monday night. Spring-like weather arrived Saturday and Bella was anxious to get her walk in. We found two soda bottles down at the park. I also cashed in the cans & bottles for a total of $18.55 in receipts which will go right in the fund. That's it for now. 
A couple of footnotes to mention. The profile picture is of a wanderer that was known as the Leatherman. To learn more about this man and his travels, I recommend watching this documentary. The Road Between Heaven and Hell - Part 1 ,  Part 2 and finally Part 3.  And if that's not enough you can listen to one of my favorite bands perform a song about him entitled Leatherman.
One more thing, I added an MP3 player that is currently playing the Rainy Day Fund's theme song, at least for now. Rainy Day, Dream Away. Let the sun take a holiday.
Change: .71
Cans: .55
March Total: $1.26

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